
In front of the Atomic Dome – Hiroshima Peace Park

This is my second visit to the Atomic Bomb Peace Park in Hiroshima. On August 6, 1945 8:15 AM, the first atomic bomb used in war was detonated pretty much directly above us. The area is now a memorial park dedicated the idea of peace and never using nuclear weapons. With the leaders of North Korea and the USA going back and forth today, threatening using their nuclear weapons, it felt appropriate to have us remember the tragic destruction of the city so many years ago.

I was thinking of the words of Pope John Paul II when he visited in Hiroshima in 1981. As a father and educator, I am surrounded by young people all the time. The words of the Pope ring true still today and are needed even more so…

To young people everywhere, I say: let us together create a new future of fraternity and solidarity; let us reach out towards our brothers and sisters in need, feed the hungry, shelter the homeless, free the downtrodden, bring justice where injustice reigns and peace where only weapons speak. Your young hearts have an extraordinary capacity for goodness and love; put them at the service of your fellow human beings.

I would like to think that after so many wars and violence that have taken place on earth, that we would have learned to get along by now. I was moved today reading the inscriptions of the children’s memorial. The innocent are the ones that suffer most in war and there are no reasons to go to war.


Hiroshima Peace Watch

The 122 days marks the nuclear test by North Korea on September 22, 2017. They had a sign announcing the test.



We finished the day by visiting the Ho No Yu Onsen. After an hour in the sauna, various hot baths, etc. the winter winds feel like a refreshing spring breeze! It is so nice the communal feel of public bathing and relaxing. Only in Japan!


One thought on “Hiroshima

  • Hi Bill,

    congratulations to your excellent and interesting descriptions of the places you have visited including insights and impressions of you and your family.

    To your information on the Hiroshima visit, I would like to add, that the Genbaku Dome was originally designed and constructed by the Czech architect Jan Letzel as an commercial exhibition palace in 1915. The building survived the atomic explosion due to the at that time advanced concrete construction technology.

    I wish all the best to you and your family in the year 2018,

    Josef Kralovec

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